Significance of Child Dental Care
The oral health of children is very important and the Pediatric Dentists and Child Dental specialists are ones to consult to ensure the good oral health of your children. Children tend to get their baby teeth when they are 6 months old and are most likely to lose them all by the time they are 7 years of age. These are replaced by secondary permanent teeth. Hence dental care is very important to prevent oral decay and disease that can potentially result in a lifetime problem. This article provides vital tips for the good oral health of children and how the expert dentists at Pakenham clinic value the importance of child dental care. Vital Tips ● Children should use a very small amount of toothpaste (fluoride-free) at the age of 2 and thereafter. ● A good diet plays a big role in healthy teeth. ● Regular dental checkups can be beneficial since it helps monitor and detect any issue before it gets too serious. ● Brush and floss in the righ...